About This Presentation
This presentation of AAF individual issue records and vouchers is designed to provide insight into the process and procedure the Army used to issue clothing and equipment to flyers during the WW2 era. Detailed information appears on these forms regarding the types of items available and the quantity that was issued. Nomenclature and stock numbers of specific items often appear on these forms as well. When presented in chronological order and within the context of an individual's complete service record, these documents can provide a good overall understanding of how, when, where, and what types of items were issued.
Above, in chronological order, are the images of 19 different documents pertaining to clothing and equipment from the personal paperwork of First Officer Alyn Harrison, Jr., US AAF ATC. Following below is a chronological summary of First Officer Harrison's service record during WW2, in which these same 19 documents are boldfaced to show their relationship in the overall scheme of things.
Alyn Harrison, Jr. was born on 3 April 1922 in Excelsior Springs, Mo. and died on 30 September 2010 in Kansas City, Mo. He served in the United States Army Air Force Air Transport Command from 1944 to 1946. During his time in service he was a great credit to his country flying his C-46 Curtiss "Commando" aircraft in dangerous missions over the Himalayan Mountain range. He flew in bad weather, often relying on instrument navigation for long periods of time, to deliver cargo to forces in China. For his service, First Officer Harrison was awarded the Air Medal twice, received the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Ribbon with two bronze stars for the Central Burma and Central China Campaigns, the American Theater Campaign Ribbon, and the WWII Victory Ribbon.
The first voucher that appears (Exhibit 1) was for clothing and equipment pulled at the Consolidated Equipment Warehouse in Romulus Michigan shortly after Mr. Harrison was commissioned as an officer. Prior to being commissioned an officer, during aviation cadet training, Mr. Harrison would have been issued all necessary clothing as a mandatory allowance. After he was commissioned he would be required to pay for certain uniform items, such as dress uniforms, while many items of flying clothing and equipment would be drawn from and later returned to AAF depots. In early March, 1945, prior to leaving for overseas duty, as was mandated by regulation, his entire clothing wardrobe was evaluated to ensure that he was properly equipped for the climate and job duties he was about to perform overseas (Exhibit 8). Before leaving for overseas, Army Air Force Form 121 was completed (Exhibit 7), which served as an accounting sheet for individual clothing and equipment. Form 121 was intended to remain with an individual's personal records throughout his service, and was to be kept updated until discharge. Credit and debit vouchers or tally sheets from the stations and depots which issued or reclaimed material were to be recorded on form 121, and were also to be retained with the individual's personal records. Army Air Force duties required personnel to draw personal equipment from a number of sources including AAF depots, Quartermaster Corps Depots, Signal Corps Depots, and Ordnance Depots.
Alyn Harrison, Jr. - ATC Service History Highlights
(Individual Equipment Issues In Bold)
- October 1941: Possessed C.A.A. commercial license and instructors rating prior to entry into AAF ATC. Served as a secondary and cross-country war training service flight instructor.
- 21 March 1944: Entered service in the Air Transport Command.
- 15 April 1944: Qualified to fly any L (liaison) type aircraft.
- 15 April 1944: Operation Order No. 5, 554th Air Base Unit, 4th Ferrying Group, ATC, Municipal Airport Memphis, Tenn. Ordered to report to the Control Officer at Bowman Field, Louisville, Ky. for ferrying Liaison type aircraft.
- 25 April 1944: Operation Order No. 15, 554th Air Base Unit,
4th Ferrying Group, ATC, Municipal Airport Memphis, Tenn. Ordered to report to
Birmingham, Ala. to ferry B-24 aircraft.
- 2 May 1944: Memphis,Tenn. Induction training completed.
- 8 May 1944: Civilian Pilot Detachment, 554th AAF Base Unit (4th Ferrying Group), Municipal Airport, Memphis, Ten. Qualified to fly any Army PT (primary trainer) or L type aircraft.
- 8 May 1944: Operation Order No. 28, 554th Air Base Unit, 4th Ferrying Group, ATC, Municipal Airport Memphis, Tenn. Ordered to report to Statesboro Army Air Base, Statesboro, Georgia for the purpose of securing and delivering aircraft.
- 27 May 1944: Operation Orders No. 57, 554th Air Base Unit, 4th Ferrying Group, ATC, Municipal Airport Memphis, Tenn. Ordered to report to basic flying school, Greenwood Army Air Force Flight School, Greenwood, Miss. when completed go to Blytheville Army Air Field, Blythville, Ark. for advanced training.
- 28 June 1944: Aviation Cadet Detachment, AAF Flight School (Basic), Greenwood Army Air Field, Greenwood, Mississippi. Basic Flight School Completed.
- 26 July 1944: Personal Orders No. 29, Headquarters Army Air Forces Eastern Flying Training Command, Maxwell Field, Ala. Rated as Service Pilot.
- 2 August 1944: Blytheville Army Air Field, Blytheville, Ark. Advanced Training completed.
- 4 August 1944: Special Order No. 195 - Headquarters Blytheville Army Air Field, Blytheville, Ark. Completed Training Command course of instructions (Class 44-ATC-4) Ordered to active duty with Air Corps. Return to 554th AAF Base Unit (4th Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division ATC, Municipal Airport, Memphis, Tenn.
- 4 August 1944: Entered active duty (commissioned as officer).
- 4 August 1944: Check out completed for L-3-4, BT-13, AT-10 aircraft at 553rd AAF Base Unit 3rd Ferrying Group 60th Ferrying Squadron, Romulus Army Air Field, Romulus, Mich.
- 17 August 1944: Exhibit 1, Pages 1-2 (See above). Completed form Individual Issue Aircorps Property. Received issue of equipment from Consolidated Equipment Warehouse, Romulus, Mich. including summer flying suit AN-S-31 and other equipment.
- 10 September 1944: Checked out on C-78 aircraft while at 553rd AAF Base Unit, 3rd Ferrying Group, 60th Ferrying Squadron, Romulus Army Air Field, Romulus, Mich.
- 27 September 1944: Checked out on C-49 aircraft while at 553rd AAF Base Unit, 3rd Ferrying Group, 60th Ferrying Squadron, Romulus Army Air Field, Romulus, Mich.
- 10 October 1944: Exhibit 2, Pages 1-2 (See above). See Individual Issue Air Corps Property voucher no. 45-370-17 dated 10-10-44. Received clothing & equipment from the Consolidated Equipment Warehouse, Romulus, Mich. including A-11 gloves with rayon inserts and B-10 Intermediate Flying Jacket.
- 13 October 1944: Checked out on C-46 aircraft while at 553rd AAF Base Unit, 3rd Ferrying Group, 60th Ferrying Squadron, Romulus Army Air Field, Romulus, Mich.
- 16 November 1944: Special Order No. 206; Headquarters, 553rd AAF Base Unit (3rd Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division ATC, Romulus Army Air Field, Romulus, Mich. Ordered to report to 566th AAF Base Unit, (3rd OTU) Reno, Nev. on 23 Nov. 1944 for C-46 crew training.
- 20 November 1944: Exhibit 3, Pages 1-2 (See above). Completed Air Corps Property form dated 11-20-44, voucher no. 45-560-1. Turned in S-1 parachute and A-3 Aviator's Bag at Consolidated Equipment Warehouse, Romulus, Mich.
- 22 November 1944: Exhibit 4, Pages 1-2 (See above). Completed Shipping Ticket Individual Issue Air Corps Property form dated 11-22-44, voucher no. 45-576-4. Received B-4 bag from the Consolidated Equipment Warehouse, Romulus, Mich.
- 12 January 1945: Checked out on C-46 aircraft at 566th AAF Base Unit, (3rd OTU) Reno, Nev.
- 14 January 1945: Operations Order No. 14; Base operations Office, 565th AAF Base Unit (3rd Operational Training Unit) Ferrying Division, ATC, Reno Army Air Base. Sent to Fallon, NV. for navigational training/instrument course.
- January 1945: Exhibit 5 (See above). Received memorandum Flying Equipment & Parachutes dated 3 October 1944 from Headquarters, 565th AAF Base Unit (3rd Operational Training Unit), Ferrying Division, ATC, Reno Army Air Base. Described procedure for drawing equipment and parachtues at said base.
- 1 February 1945: Special Orders No. 32; Headquarters, 565th AAF Base Unit (3rd Operational Training Unit) Ferrying Division, AFATC, Reno Army Air Base. Finished instrument training at Reno AAF, ordered back to 559th AAF Base Unit (20th Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division, AFATC, Municipal Airport Nashiville, Tenn. to form C-46 crews.
- 19 February 1945: Operations Order No. 50; 558th Base Unit (20th Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division, ATC, Municipal Airport, Nashville, Tenn. Ordered to report to Buffalo NY for the purpose of securing and delivering aircraft. When completed return to Nashville.
- 5 March 1945: Operations Orders No. 64; 558th Base Unit (20th Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division, ATC, Municipal Airport, Nashville, Tenn. Report to Lousiville, Ky. for the purpose of securing and delivering aircraft to places as may be necessary.
- 7 March 1945: Operations Orders No. 66; 558th Base Unit (20th Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division, ATC, Municipal Airport, Nashville, Tenn. Report to Lousiville, Ky. for the purpose of securing and delivering aircraft to places as may be necessary.
- 11 March 1945: Exhibit 6 (See above). Recieved Special Orders Order No. 70 from 558th Base Unit (20th Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division, ATC, Municipal Airport, Nashville, Tenn. Ordered to travel from Nashville Tenn. to Miami, FL. for the purpose of securing and delivering aircraft via the South Atlantic route. To be issued individual clothing and equipment in accordance with list "E" prior to leaving station.
- 11 March 1945: Exhibit 7, Pages 1, 2 (See above). Received AAF Form 121, Individual AAF Issue Record at 558th Base Unit (20th Ferrying Group), Ferrying Division, ATC, Municipal Airport, Nashville, Tenn. Earliest entry date is shown as 3-11-45 under Quantity Issued. This form was to be a permanent part of the individuals personal records.
- 11 March 1945: Exhibit 8, Pages 1, 2 (See above). Received ATC Crew Clothing & Individual Equipment, Check List And Shipping Ticket, Officer's List E, Form No. C & V ATC 816D. This form showed what the officer had on hand, what he was short, and what was issued. It was intended to ensure that the officer had the proper clothing and equipment before departing for an overseas base. The form is broken into Medical Equipment, Ordnance Equipment, Signal Corps Equipment, and Army Air Forces Equipment.
- 11 March 1945: Exhibit 9 (See above). Received War Dept. form 322, Voucher to Stock Record Account for purchase of A-11 winter flying gloves & rayon inserts.
- 15 March 1945: Exhibit 10 (See above). Air Corps Form No. 104A, Shipping Ticket dated 3-15-45, voucher No. 45-C-42146. Received Part No. 8300-637810, Parachute Complete with Jungle Kit, Seat Type (ser. no. 42-332859); Part No. 8300-978200, Vest Life Preserver B-4; Part No. 8300-163000, Cylinder CO2 at AAF 633 SO, 1105 AAF Base Unit, Miami Air Field, Miami 30, Fl.
- 21 March 1945: Departed USA for Pacific Theather of Operations.
- 30 March 1945: Arrived at destination Pacific Theather of Operations Headquarters 1306th AAF Base Unit, India Wing - India China Division, ATC, APO 882 (Karachi, India).
- 1 April 1945: Special orders No. 91; Headquarters 1306th AAF Base Unit, India Wing - India China Division, ATC, APO 882 (Karachi, India). Assigned to 1328th AAF BU, ICDATC, APO 489 (Misamari, India), EDCMR (estimated date to report to commander) 4 April 1945.
- 3 April 1945: Special Orders No. 93; Headquarters, 1328th AAF Base Unit, India Chia Division, ATC. Effective 4 April 45 officially assigned to 1328th base from 1306th Base.
- 4 April 1945: Exhibit 11, Page 1, 2 (See above). Quartermaster Corps Form No. 489, Tally Sheet Incoming. Turned in (1) M-1911A1 .45 Cal. Automatic Pistol, (1) M4 Bayonet w/scabbard, (1) M-3 Pistol Holster, 2 X pistol magazines, 21 rounds of M1911 .45 cal. Ball cartridges at 1328th AAF Base Unit Ordnance Warehouse.
- 4 April 1945: Exhibit 12 (See above). Air Corps Form No. 104A, Shipping Ticket, Voucher No. 45-2275. Turned in (1) B-4 Life Vest at 1328th AAF Base Unit.
- 18 May 1945: Aeronautical Rating Board evaluation conducted at 1328th AAF Base Unit, ICD-ATC. Rating was changed from Service Pilot to Pilot.
- 13 July 1945: Personal Orders No. 168; Headquarters of the Army Air Forces, Washington. Rerated from Service Pilot to Pilot.
- 19 July 1945: Headquarters, 1328th AAF Base Unit, ICD ATC. Reccommended for Air Medal
- 27 July 1945: General Orders No. 46; Headquarters ICD, ATC, 1300th AAF Base Unit, APO 192 (Calcutta-Richra, India). Air Medal awarded.
- 20 August 1945: Exhibit 13 (See above). War Department Air Corps Form No. 104A, Shipping Ticket, Voucher No. 46-290 (referrenced in Exhibit 7, pg. 1). Received (1) A-11 Hack Navagation Watch at 1328th AAF Base Unit, India China Division, ATC.
- 28 August 1945: Special Orders No. 240; 1328th AAF Base Unit, ICD ATC. Appointed witnessing officer for the purpose of witnessing payment of payrolls. Assigned to payroll #4.
- 25 August 1945: Exhibit 14 (See above). War Department Air Corps Form No. 104A, Shipping Ticket, Voucher no. 46-489. Turned in Parachute, Complete, Serial number 42-332859 at 1328th AAF Base Unit, India Chia Division, ATC.
- 21 September 1945: Special Orders No. 264; 1328th AAF Base Unit, ICD ATC. Relieved from 1328th and reassigned to 1333rd AAF Base Unit, ICD-ATC, APO 629 (Chabua, India) effective 26 Sept. 1945.
- 21 September 1945: Exhibit 15 (see above). Army Air Force Form 124, Personnel Records Check List completed at 1328th AAF Base Unit, ICD ATC. Form 124 indicates Individual Equipment Issue Record, AAF Form 121 (see exhibit 7, Pgs 1,2) present among personal records.
- 22 September 1945: Exhibit 16 (see above). Tally-In form dated 9-22-45. Turned in steel helmet and liner at 1328th AAF Base Unit Quartermaster Supply Warehouse.
- 22 September 1945: Exhibit 17 (see above). War Department Air Corps Form No. 104A, Shipping Ticket. Turned in (1) Lightweight Service Gas Mask at Chemical Warfare Service, 1328TH AAF Base Unit.
- September 1945: Exhibit 18 (see above). 1328th AAF Base Unit, ICD ATC. Base Clearance form shows all property has been turned in on memorandum receipt. Form indicates clearance with Quartermaster Supply, Air Corps Supply, Base Ordnance, Post Exhange, and Flight Records.
- 23 September 1945: Special Orders No. 234; Headquarters, 1333 AAF Base Unit, ICD, ATC. Assigned as Duty Pilot.
- 15 October 1945: Headquarters, 1333 AAF Base Unit, ICD, ATC. Recommended for Air Medal oak leaf cluster for skilled airmanship while flying over the Himalayan Mountains in hazardous weather conditions with a fully loaded aircraft and relying on instrument flying during long periods of time.
- 15 October 1945: Exhibit 19 (see above). Air Corps Shipping Ticket, Voucher No. 46-5428 (referenced on AAF Form 121 - see also exhibit 7, Pg. 1). Turned in B-4 bag, summer & intermediate flying gloves, flying goggles, winter & summer flying helmets, rayon glove inserts, winter flying shoes, intermediate flying trousers at 1333 AAF Base Unit.
- 24 October 1945: Special Orders No. 264; Headquarters, 1333 AAF Base Unit, ICD, ATC. Relieved of duty at 1333rd AAF Base Unnit. Attached unassigned to Replacement Depot #1, APO 883 (Karachi, India), subject to prior report to Replacement Depot # 5, APO 629, where transportation will be arranged to Depot #1.
- 25 October 1945: Left 1333rd Base Unit ATC.
- 25 October 1945: Arrived at Replacement Depot #5, APO 629.
- 26 October 1945: General Orders No. 106; Headquarters, ICD, ATC, 1300th AAF Base Unit. Awarded Air Medal (Oak leaf cluster). Listed as pilot from 18 April 1945 to 1 October 1945.
- 3 November 1945: Left Replacement Depot #5.
- 3 November 1945: Arrived at Replacement Depot #1.
- 24 November 1945: Left Replacement Depot #1 by boat (USS Gen. Morton) for USA.
- 17 December 1945: Arrived in New York, Pier 51 from India.
- 17 December 1945: Arrived at Camp Kilmer, NJ.
- 19 December 1945: Left Camp Kilmer, NJ.
- 21 December 1945: Arrived at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
- 21 December 1945: Left Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
- 22 December 1945: Arrived in Kirksville, Mo.
- 9 February 1946: Special Orders No. 35; Headquarters, Santa Ana Army Air Base, Santa Ana, Ca. Assigned to reception center, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.(ASF). To report no later than 16 Feb. 1946.
- 11 February 1946: Headquarters, AAF Redistribution Station No. 4, Santa Ana AAF Base, Santa Ana Ca. Clearance Certificate completed.
- 15 April 1946: Discharged from active duty at Separation Center, Jefferson Barracks, Missouri.