War Department Field Manual FM 20-5A
Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry Weapons
February 1944 (67 Pages)

About FM 5-20A
War Department Field Manual 5‐20A, Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry Weapons, was part of a series of booklets produced during WWII concerning the topic of camouflage. There were nine specific publications ranging from basic camouflage principles to camouflage materials and manufacturing techniques. Most of them focused on camouflaging large pieces of equipment such as aircraft and vehicles or important installations where significant numbers of men and equipment were stationed. Education about camouflage principles became a major initiative during the WWII era, mainly due to the emergence of airpower and the constant possibility of being observed from above. In fact, the bulk of information contained in these booklets explains how to reduce the likelihood of aerial detection.
For the purposes of this website manual FM 5‐20A is most relevant in that it discusses various options and methods for the individual to use to avoid detection on the battlefield. Topics concerning individual camouflage cover the skin, helmet, uniforms, rifle, and other equipment and stresses the importance of reducing contrast with backgrounds and eliminating the shine emitted from various objects. The section on clothing, beginning on page 14, emphasizes the use of appropriate colors and patterns for the type of terrain encountered. Jungle suits and snow suits are discussed as well as other options when these suits were not available. In a harbinger of things to come, a warning is given regarding wearing printed camouflage uniforms in dark areas of the jungle - a problem that eventually led to the demise of WWII camouflage uniforms.