
Army-Navy Guide: Answers to your Questions about the Armed Forces. New York, New York: Crown, 1942.

The Leatherneck Association, Inc., Guidebook for Marines, (Second Printing), USA, The Leatherneck Association, Inc., 461.1, 1946.

The Military Service Publishing Co., The Officer's Guide, (9th Edition), Harrisburg PA: The Military Service Publishing Co., 1942.

The Quartermaster Association, Quartermaster Emergency Handbook for Officers, Officer Candidates, Enlisted Personnel and ROTC Students. Washington, D.C.: The Quartermaster Association, 1943.

Ageton, Arthur A. The Naval Officer's Guide. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1943.

Alberti, Bruno & Pradier, Laurent. Marine Corps Uniforms & Equipment, 1941-45. Paris Cedex, France: Histoire & Collections, 2007.

Armold, Chris. Steel Pots - The History of America's Steel Combat Helmets. San Jose, California: Bender Publishing, 1997.

Enjames, Henri-Paul. Government Issue U.S. Army European Theater of Operations Collector Guide. Paris Cedex, France: Histoire & Collections, 2004.

Enjames, Henri-Paul. Government Issue U.S. Army European Theater of Operations Collector Guide Volume II. Paris Cedex, France: Histoire & Collections, 2008.

Kerrigan, Evans. American Medals and Decorations. New York, New York: Mallard Press, 1990.

Lewis, Kenneth. Doughboy to GI - US Army Clothing and Equipment 1900 - 1945. England (Winton, Bournemouth): Norman D. Landing Books, 1993.

Petersen, Gordon A. & Rankin, Capt. Robert H. U.S.M.C.R. A Guide to U.S. Navy Insignia Flags and Decorations. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Company, 1942.

Risch, Erna. United States Army in World War II - The Technical Services - The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services Volume I. Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, United States Army, 1995.

Risch, Erna & Kieffer, Chester L. United States Army in World War II - The Technical Services - The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services Volume II. Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, United States Army, 1995.

Stanton, Shelby. U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II. Mechanicsburg, Pa: Stackpole Books, 1991.

Stanton, Shelby. U.S. Army Uniforms of the Korean War. Mechanicsburg, Pa: Stackpole Books, 1992.

Sweeting, C.G. Combat Flying Clothing: Army Air Forces Clothing during World War II. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984.

Tonelli, Joseph J. Visor Hats of the United States Armed Forces 1930-1950. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2003.

Tulkoff, Alec S. Grunt Gear. 2nd Printing, 2006. San Jose CA: R. James Bender Publishing, 2003.

United States Department of Commerce & National Bureau of Standards. National Directory of Commodity Specifications. National Bureau of Standards Publication M178. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

Virtue, Lt. Col. C.M. Company Administration Including Supply and Mess Management And Personnel Records Including Personnel Office Organization and Procedure. Harrisburg, PA: The Military Service Publishing Company, 1943.


Associated Military Stores. Complete Uniform Equipment for U.S. Army Officers Catalogue for 1940. Chicago, IL, 1940.

Associated Military Stores. Silver Anniversary Catalogue of Army Officers Uniforms. Chicago, IL, 1942.

Burton Baskin: The Abbott Hall Shop. Naval Officers' Uniforms. Chicago, IL, 1942.

Chicago Military Stores. A Presentation of Fine Quality Uniforms and Accessories for Army Officers. Chicago, IL, 1940.

Corcoran, Inc. Fall and Winter Catalog 1953-1954. Stoughton, Mass., 1953.

Outdoor Military Stores. Distinctive Regulation U.S. Army Officers Uniforms And Equipment. Columbus, OH, 1936.

The Union Company. The Naval Officers' Uniform Plan under Direct Supervision of The U.S. Navy Department. Columbus, OH, 1943.

United States Army Air Forces. Illustrated Catalog - Clothing, Parachutes, Equipment, and Supplies - Class 13. 30 September 1943.

830th Army Air Force Specialized Depot. Catalog of Available Material of the U.S. Army Air Forces. Memphis, Tenn., 1943.

Documents & Misc Forms

Army Air Force Clothing & Indiviual Equipment

War Department. Army Air Force Form 121. Individual Equipment Issue Record. 1 October 1944; War Dept. AAF Form 124. Personal Records Checklist.; War Dept. Air Corps Form 104A. Shipping Ticket. July, 1937; War Dept. Air Transport Command. ATC Form 816D. ATC Crew Clothing & Individual Equipment - Officer's List "E". Includes other misc. forms & documents.

Army Clothing & Equipage

War Department. Q.M.C. Form No. 374. Quartermaster Laundry. Revisions dated 15 February 1924 and 8 August 1942. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1924-43.

Navy Clothing & Small Stores

U.S. Naval Training Station Naval Operating Base Norfolk, VA. Form NTSNV-1864-10-42-100M. Requisition Receipt for Clothing and Small Stores. October, 1942.


Army - Field

War Department. Field Manual FM 5-20A. Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry Weapons. February 1944. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

War Department. Quartermaster Field Manual FM 10-5. Quartermaster Operations. 29 April 1943. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943.

War Department. Basic Field Manual FM 21-15. Equipment, Clothing, and Tent Pitching. 1 October 1940. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1940.

War Department. Basic Field Manual FM 21-15. Individual Clothing and Equipment. April 1945. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

War Department. Basic Field Manual FM 21-100. Soldier's Handbook. 23 July 1941. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941.

War Department. Basic Field Manual FM 31-15. Operations in Snow and Extreme Cold. 18 September 1941. With change No. 1 dated 10 April 1942 and change No. 2 dated 29 September 1942. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941.

Army - Technical

War Department. Technical Manual TM 1-440. Parachutes And Aircraft Clothing. 29 June 1945. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

War Department. Technical Manual TM 3-290. Miscellaneous Gas Protective Equipment. 27 March 1944. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

War Department. Technical Manual TM 5-267 Supplement 1. Camouflage. 1 June 1943. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943.

War Department. Technical Manual TM 10-275. Principles of Cold Weather Clothing and Equipment. 26 October 1944. With change No. 1 dated 1 February 1945. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

Marine Corps

United States Marine Corps. Camouflage For Marines. United States Marine Corps, 1 January 1944.

United States Marine Corps. Jungle Warfare Manual 1944. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps Manual. 1940, Reprinted 1944 with changes 1 to 6 inclusive. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.


Department of the Navy - Bureau of Yards and Docks. U.S. Naval Construction Battalion Administration Manual. Prepared under the direction of the Chief of Civil Engineers. January, 1944.

United States Navy. The Blue Jackets' Manual. 1940, Tenth Edition. Annapolis, Maryland: United States Naval Institue, 1940.

United States Navy. The Blue Jackets' Manual. 1944, Twelfth Edition. Annapolis, Maryland: United States Naval Institue, 1944.

War Department

War Department, Office of the Fiscal Director. War Department Fiscal Code. Headquarters, Army Service Forces. 7 January 1943 with updates through 7 December 1943.

War Department, Preparation For Overseas Movement, 1 February 1943, (File reference: AG 370.5, 16 January 1943, OB-S-E-GN-AF-SPOPT-M), Washington, D.C., 1943.


The Spool Cotton Company, Knit For Defense, (Book No. 172.), The Spool Cotton Company, 1941.

Grosvenor, Gilbert & Hildebrand, J.R. & Du Bois, Arthur E. & Hubbard, Gerard & King, Elizabeth W. & Bradley, La Verne & Ewin, Robert D. Insignia and Decorations of the U.S. Armed Forces. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1944.

Office of the Quartermaster General

Haggard, John V. Historical Branch Office of the Quartermaster General. Manufacture of Clothing 1945-53. QMC Historical Studies Series II, No. 1. Washington, D.C., 1956.

Haggard, John V. Historical Branch Office of the Quartermaster General. Procurement of Textiles 1945-53. QMC Historical Studies Series II, No. 3. Washington, D.C., 1957.

Pitkin, Thomas M. Historical Section General Administrative Services Division Office of The Quartermaster General. Quartermaster Equipment for Special Forces. Q.M.C. Historical Studies No. 5, February, 1944. Washington, D.C., 1944.

Risch, Erna. Historical Section Office of The Quartermaster General. A Wardrobe for the Women of the Army. Q.M.C. Historical Studies No. 12, October, 1945. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

Risch, Erna & Pitkin, Thomas M. Historical Section Office of The Quartermaster General. Clothing the Soldier of World War II. Q.M.C. Historical Studies No. 16, September, 1946. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1946.

Army Service Forces under the supervision of The Office of the Quartermaster General. Quartermaster Supply Catalog Section 1 - Enlisted Men's Clothing and Equipment. OQMG Circular No.4, revised August, 1943.

Headquarters, Army Service Forces. Quartermaster Supply Catalog QM 3-1. Enlisted Men's Clothing and Equipment. Reprint of ASF catalog QM Sec. 1, including changes No. 1 dated 1 April, 1944. Linden Equipment Co., 1944.

Headquarters, Army Service Forces under the supervision of The Office of the Quartermaster General. Army Service Forces Catalog QM 3-1 - Quartermaster Supply Catalog - List of Items for Troop Issue - Enlisted Men's Clothing and Equipment. Supercedes QM sec. 1, August 1943, including change 1, 1 April 1944, and reprint issued as QM 3-1, August 1943. Washington, D.C.: Headquarters, Army Service Forces, 1946.

Headquarters, Army Service Forces. Quartermaster Supply Catalog QM 3-2. WACS' and Nurses' Clothing and Equipment. Reprint of ASF catalog QM Sec. 2, including changes No. 1 dated 1 April, 1944. 1944.

Headquarters, Army Service Forces under the supervision of The Office of the Quartermaster General. Quartermaster Supply Catalog QM 3-2. WACS' and Nurses' Clothing and Equipment. Supercedes QM sec. 2, October 1943, including change 1, 1 April 1944, and reprint issued as QM 3-2, October 1943. Washington, D.C.: Headquarters, Army Service Forces, 1946.

Army Service Forces, Office of the Quartermaster General. Organizational Manual. Revision No. 3, 15 July 1944. US Government Printing Office, 1944.

Office of the Quartermaster General, Management Control Branch, Procurement Division. History and Accomplishments. September, 1945.

War Department. Office of the Quartermaster General. Standard Uniform Fabrics for United States Army. (Serial No. 1126) Washington, D.C., 31 December 1941.

Office of The Quartermaster General. Circular No. 4 - Components , Spare Parts, Accessories and Contents of Chests, Kits and Sets, and Other Items of Quartermaster Property. (1941).

Orders, Bulletins, Journals, and Circulars


United States of America War Office. Compilation of War Department General Orders, Bulletins, and Circulars. 1 January 1943. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1943.

Army Air Force

Army Air Force. Official Service Journal Army Air Forces (Volume 27, January 1944 Through December 1944). Air Force Editorial Office, New York, NY., 1944.

Marine Corps

Depot Of Supplies, U.S. Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa. Price List Of Officers' Uniforms Manufactured At This Depot. (Q-832), 1 February 1940. MCPB 76330 1-9-40 2400.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Circular Letter No. 238. Changes No. 1 in Uniform Regulations, U.S. Marine Corps, 1937. 23 February 1938. Washington, D.C., 1938.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Circular Letter No. 372. Changes No. 2 in Uniform Regulations, U.S. Marine Corps, 1937. 26 June 1940. Washington, D.C., 1940.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Circular Letter No. 388. Changes No. 2 in Uniform Regulations, U.S. Marine Corps, 1937. 19 September 1940. Washington, D.C., 1940.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Circular Letter No. 413. Changes No. 2 in Uniform Regulations, U.S. Marine Corps, 1937. 10 December 1940. Washington, D.C., 1940.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 126. Marine Corps Equipment Board. 20 July 1937. Washington, D.C., 1937.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 155. Marine Corps Price List of Clothing, Etc. 20 September 1939. Washington, D.C., 1939.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 175. Athletic Equipment. 23 August 1941. Washington, D.C., 1941.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 176. Marine Corps Price List of Clothing, Etc. 23 September 1941. Washington, D.C., 1941.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 178. Tables of stock sizes, measurements, and proportions of sizes of clothing issued to the service by the Quartermaster's Department. 31 March 1942. Washington, D.C., 1942.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 183. Marine Corps Price List of Clothing, Etc. 27 October 1942. Washington, D.C., 1942.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 197. Marine Corps Equipment Board. 12 May 1944. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 198. Numbering of Contracts and Agreements. 25 September 1944. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps Order No. 199. Marine Corps Price List of Clothing, Etc. 30 October 1944. Washington, D.C., 1945.

Letter of Instruction No. 1245. Changes in Uniform Regulations. 21 March 1946. 2275-120, AO-4-brb.

Letter of Instruction No. 1256. Dress Uniform, Modifications of. 15 April 1946. 2275-120, AO-4-ms.

Letter of Instruction No. 1274. Service Jackets. 9 May 1946. 1335-70-40, A-134-ms.


United States Navy, Bureau of Navigation. Bureau of Navigation News Bulletin - Information for Naval Personnel. Nos. 1 thru 302 dated August, 1922 thru May, 1942.

United States Navy, Bureau of Personnel. Bureau of Naval Personnel - Information Bulletin. Nos. 303 thru 338 dated June, 1942 thru May, 1945.

United States Navy, Bureau of Personnel. All Hands - The Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin. Nos. 339 thru 515 dated June, 1945 thru December, 1959.

Navy Department, United States of America. Index of Specifications and Standards Used By Department Of The Navy Military Index Voume III Specifications Cancelled Or Suspended Since 1 January 1947. (NAVSANDA Publication No. 62, 1 April 1960, Revised to 24 February 1960). Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1960.



War Department. Pamphlet 21-13. Army Life. 10 August 1944. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.


Navy Department, Bureau Of Supplies And Accounts. Selling To The Navy: For The Information Of Those Desiring Business Relationship With The Navy. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1940.

United States Navy. Service School U.S. Naval Training Station Great Lakes, Illinois. (Provides a description of the ratings trained at this school along with illustrations of the insignia for each.) Great Lakes, IL: Naval Training School, 1944.


Civilian Production Administration, Industrial Statistics Division, Alphabetical Listing of Major War Supply Contracts, (Culmulative June 1940 Through September 1945), 1946.

The General Board, United States Forces, European Theater. Quartermaster Supply Operations. Study Number 109. File: R 401/11. 1945.



War Department. Army Regulations No. 1-5. Index to Army Regulations. 1 January 1943. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 30-3000. Quartermaster Corps Price List of Clothing and Equipage Effective 1 July 1943. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 31 August 1943.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 30-3000. Quartermaster Corps Price List of Clothing and Equipage Effective 1 October 1944. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 16 October 1944.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 55-380. Transportation Corps: Prescribed Uniform For Army Transport Service And Harbor Boat Service. 31 December 1942. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1942.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 210-10. Posts, Camps, and Stations Administration. 20 December 1940. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-15. Personnel: Rank And Precedence. 27 October 1921. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1921.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-15. Personnel: Rank And Precedence. 24 January 1945. (Including changes No. 4 dated 27 March 1947, and Changes No. 5 dated 10 May 1948.) Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

Department Of The Army. Army Regulations No. 600-32. Personnel: Uniform For Male Personnel. 11 April 1951. (Including changes No. 3 dated 23 June 1952, and Changes No. 4 dated 4 September 1952.) Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1951.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-35. Personnel: The Prescribed Uniform. 25 November 1924. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1924.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-35. Personnel: Prescribed Service Uniform. 10 November 1941. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-35. Personnel: Prescribed Service Uniform. 31 March 1944. (Including changes No. 3 dated 18 April 1945, and changes No. 9 dated 24 November 1947.) Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-37. Personnel: Prescribed Service Uniform - Army Nurse Corps, Physical Therapy Aides, and Hospital Dietitians. 29 July 1943. (Including changes No.1 dated 15 December 1943, and No. 2 dated 20 January 1944.), Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-37. Personnel: Prescribed Service Uniform - Women Personnel of the Army. 31 March 1944. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-38. Personnel: Dress Uniforms for Officers and Warrant Officers. (Effective 1 October 1938). Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 17 August 1938.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-40. Personnel: Wearing Of The Uniform. 25 November 1924. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1924.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-40. Personnel: Wearing of Service Uniform. 28 August 1941. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-40. Personnel: Wearing of Service Uniform. 31 March 1944.(Including changes No. 1 dated 11 August 1944, No. 2 dated 28 November 1944, No. 3 dated 18 April 1945, No. 6 dated 30 August 1945, and No. 7 dated 31 October 1945.) Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

Department Of The Army. Army Regulations No. 600-45. Personnel: Decorations. 27 June 1950. (Including changes No. 2 dated 14 March 1951, and changes No. 4 dated 23 August 1951.) Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1950.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 600-65. Personnel: Award And Supply Of Service Medals, Except Initial Supply Of The Victory Medal. 30 January 1922. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1922.

Department Of The Army. Army Regulations No. 600-65. Personnel: Service Medals. 12 December 1951. (Including changes No. 2 dated 14 March 1951, and changes No. 4 dated 23 August 1951.) Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1951.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 610-100. Warrant Officers, Army Mine Planter Service: Clothing - Allowances, Accounts, and Disposition. 20 April 1925. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1925.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 615-40. Enlisted Men: Clothing - Allowances, Accounts, and Disposition. 30 June 1925. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1925.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 615-40. Enlisted Men: Clothing and Equipage. 24 April 1943. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 615-40. Enlisted Personnel: Clothing and Equipage. 1 February 1945. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 850-5. Marking Of Clothing, Equipment, Animals, Vehicles, And Property. (Including changes No. 1 dated 2 April 1924.) 6 June 1923. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1923.

War Department. Army Regulations No. 850-125. Miscellaneous: Fitting Of Shoes And Socks. 15 December 1924. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1924.

War Department. Women's Army Auxilary Corps Regulations. June, 1943. War Department, Washington 25, D.C.: 1943.

Marine Corps

United States Marine Corps. Uniform Regulations United States Marine Corps 1922 Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1922.

United States Marine Corps. Uniform Regulations United States Marine Corps 1937 (Including changes No. 1 dated 8 May 1939, Circular Letters No. 238 dated 23 February 1938, No. 372 dated 26 June 1940, No. 388 dated 19 September 1940, and No. 413 dated 10 December 1940), Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1937.


Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation. United States Navy Uniform Regulations 1941.Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941.

Navy Department. United States Navy Uniform Regulations 1947.Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1947.

Department Of The Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, D.C. United States Navy Uniform Regulations 1959. (Including changes No. 1 dated 31 October 1961, No. 2 dated 25 January 1963, and No. 3 dated 1 April 1964). U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1959.

Table of Equipment & Basic Allowances

War Department. Table of Basic Allowances No. 10. Quartermaster Corps. 15 March 1942. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1942.

War Department. Table of Basic Allowances No. 21. Quartermaster Clothing And Individual Equipment. 23 February 1942. Washington, D.C.: Office Of The Quartermaster General, 1942.

War Department. Table of Basic Allowances No. 21. Quartermaster Clothing And Individual Equipment. 7 January 1943. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943.

War Department. Table of Equipment No. 21. Clothing and Individual Equipment. 15 December 1943. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1944.

War Department. Table of Equipment No. 21. Clothing and Individual Equipment. 1 September 1945. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945.

Department of the Army. Table of Allowances No. 21 (Peace). Clothing and Equipment. 1 July 1949. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1949.

Department of the Army. Table of Allowances No. 21 (Mobilization). Clothing and Equipment. 26 January 1950. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1950.


U.S. Militaria Forum. (for list of sponsors see: